About Programme
Electrical Engineering is the branch which deals with production, distribution, maintenance of power. This includes the study of the machines and components involved in the above. Electricity is to be there till the world is to be there so you can expect constant demand for the Engineers. The engineer’s design or maintain the electrical machines in big power corporations, factories, Hotels etc. Wherever there is an electric installation there is a need for an electrical engineer. The Electrical engineering has also undergone some technological changes and that’s why the word electronics is there.
Eligibility & Admission
Pass in 10+2 Non Medical (PCM) or
Pass in 10+2 Science or 10th + (2 years ITI) with appropriate specialization
Application Fee (One Time) | 1,000/-INR |
Registration Fee (One Time) | 5,000/-INR |
Security (One Time – Refundable) | 8,000/-INR |
Semester Fee | 25,000/-INR |
Marks in 10+2 | Scholarship Per Semester | Applicable Fee After Scholarship Per Semester |
60% – 75% | 10% | 22500/-INR |
Between 75% – 90% | 20% | 20000/-INR |
Between 90% – 100% | 30% | 17500/-INR |
Disability Level | Scholarship Per Semester | Applicable Fee After Scholarship Per Semester |
90% & Above 90% | 30% | 17500/-INR |
75% & Below 90% | 20% | 20000/-INR |
50% & Below 75% | 10% | 17500/-INR |
Category | Scholarship Per Semester | Applicable Fee After Scholarship Per Semester |
Wards of Param Veer Chakra | 30% | 17500/-INR |
Winners of Maha Veer Chakra | 20% | 20000/-INR |
Winners of Veer Chakra | 10% | 22500/-INR |
Work Tenure | Scholarship Per Semester | Applicable Fee After Scholarship Per Semester |
More than 5 years continuous service | 30% | 17500/-INR |
1 Year – 5 Years continuous Service | 20% | 20000/-INR |
Category | Scholarship Per Semester | Applicable Fee After Scholarship Per Semester |
Single girl child | 20% | 20000/-INR |
Category | Scholarship Per Semester | Applicable Fee After Scholarship Per Semester |
Parentless | 30% | 17500/-INR |
Either fatherless or motherless provided the annual family income is less than 2.5 lakh | 20% | 20000/-INR |
Learning Outcomes
An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams.
An ability to identify, formulates, and solve engineering problems.
An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.
An ability to communicate effectively.
Career Prospects
There are many good job opportunities available after completing diploma in Electrical Engineering. All manufacturing units in public and private sector need Electrical Engineers. Electrical Engineers are regularly recruited by almost all public sector companies like PGCIL, BEL, NTPC, BHEL, SAIL, ONGC CIL, in addition to leading private sector companies and consultancies in India and the Middle East.