About School
Whether it is technology or construction, without engineers, these realms wouldn’t have progressed the way they have. Engineering combines science, mathematics, philosophy and design to create everyday solutions that help our civilization progress and evolve.
The primary focus of the School of Engineering & Technology at RIMT is imparting high-tech education using age-old philosophy of purposefulness. Our course material is designed to foster innovation, inventiveness and pursuit for greater achievements.
Whether you want to become a mechanical engineer, a civil engineer, an electrical engineer or a computer engineer, you will find a fertile environment to use your intelligence, learning and imagination to make a mark in the world. Our courses are regularly updated to cover all the latest developments happening in the fields of engineering and technology. Since engineering and technology are all about the contemporary and the future, we get the most up-to-date and updated equipment and software for all students so that their education is at par with the best universities in the world. We are constantly striking up innovative partnerships with organizations to provide internship opportunities for our students so that they can work on projects solving real-world problems and witness the applicability of the knowledge they have gained unfolding right in front of their eyes.
Career Opportunities
Frankly, the sky is the limit once you have completed a degree or diploma in Engineering & Technology. From R&D to management to information technology to construction, practically every field is open for you because of the rigor you develop while completing your course and the analytical knowledge that you gain as an engineer or as a technology graduate. Listed below are some possibilities for you:
- Engineer in construction, town planning and building
- Mechanical engineer in the automotive industry or railways
- Software and hardware engineer in information technology
- Technology consultant
- Electrical engineer
- Circuit designer
- Researcher/Educator
Our Departments
The Department of Civil Engineering is part of the university since its inception. Department of Civil Engineering believes that excellence…
The Department of Computer Science is envisioned to prepare competent, creative and innovative Computer Scientists…
The academic objective of the Department of Electrical Engineering is to produce high caliber Electrical Engineers…
The Department of Mechanical Engineering is one of the pioneering departments of RIMT University. Our Department offers…
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