Workshop on Machine Learning with Python in Association with Microsoft Technology Associate
Towards getting live exposure of latest tools and techniques that help them in career enhancements and Industry readiness, Dr. Ashish Oberoi, HOD, Department of Computer Science and Engineering had organised a five days workshop on Machine Learning with Python for students and faculty of Computer Science & Engineering, and Electronics & Commination Engineering, RIMT University, Mandi Gobindgarh. In this workshop, the students from 2nd, 4thand 6thSemester were actively participated. This workshop was coordinated by Mr. Jasdeep Singh and Mr. Charanjit Singh. The entire workshop’s content were designed and delivered by the resource person, Mr. Abhineet from Microsoft Technology Associate.
During ten extensive sessions, theparticipants were able to understand Hands-On practice on Python with concepts of Machine Learning. During the workshop the participants experienced the installation of open source;Python, Anaconda and Tensor Flow.This workshop will definitely helpedthe participants in learning industry oriented Machine Learning with Python. The curiosity of the students was completely satisfied during the programming session on live projects taken by Mr. Abhineet.
On the last day, Microsoft Technology Associate took a certification test and the rewards given to top five students ( JaiSuri, Anuj, Gauri, Iqram, Krishnanandroy, Shivam) for their outstanding performance in certification test. The Workshop based on Machine Learning with Pythonwas an enriching experience for participants in getting the live exposure of latest tools and techniques that help them in career enhancements. The Honourable vice chancellor Dr. A. S. Chawla motivated participants while distributing the certification and highlighted the importance of such workshops in future aspects.