Dr. Hukam Chand Bansal, Chancellor RIMT University

Profile: Dr. Hukam Chand Bansal is a Steel Industrialist of renowned with industries spread across Mandi Gobindgarh, Punjab and Jammu & Kashmir. Started in a1971 when he took over the business from his father and expanded it to newer areas like steel forging & steel melting.

An MBA and a PhD in Business Administration from US, Dr. Bansal entered education business in 1998 when he founded Shri Om Parkash Bansal Educational and Social Welfare Trust, and established a school at Mandi Gobindgarh. It was the first school in that area and till date remains the most coveted.

Over the next 2 decades he emerged as a devoted educationist by establishing 8 colleges, 1 polytechnic and 2 schools of repute under the aegis of the Trust, and under the banner of RIMT group of institutions.

In 2016 he established RIMT University at Mandi Gobindgarh and in 2018 the World University of Design at Sonipat. Dr. Bansal is Chancellor to both the universities.

Message: From its inception, RIMT University has been guided by its motto. The vision of the University calls for an enduring commitment to the well-being of people through education. Its mission encompasses searching for and testing new realities and disseminating knowledge, both existing and new, for the betterment of society.

In keeping with its mission, our goal is to transform RIMT University into flagship institution in India comparable with the best seats of learning in the region in the areas of teaching and learning, research, industry engagement and community development.

Dr. Hukam Chand Bansal


With a sense of great pride I extend a warm invitation to you all to our prestigious institution. Adhering to its motto ” Education for Life” RIMT University, Mandi Gobindgarh, since its inception in 2015, has been making sincere efforts to maintain global standards in imparting quality Education in various disciplines like Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Agriculture, Communication, Management, Law, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences, Education etc. To expand its horizons and to provide facilities of  the all-inclusive educational avenues  under one roof, the University has been continuously adding new faculties and programmes as per the need of the hour to build a sound theoretical base of our students enriched by its practical application. Our constant  endeavor has been to focus not only on enhancing their informative skills with the latest knowledge, training them in the application  and communication of knowledge, sharpening their research acumen, and encouraging their innovative and  creative talents to make them gainfully employable at local and global levels, but also  to inculcate ethical values in them to become better human beings to successfully face the challenges of life and work for the betterment of society at familial, social, national and international levels.

My best wishes and good luck to everyone.

Mr. Vijayant Bansal

Pro Chancellor

Dr. Vijay Agarwal, Pro Chancellor RIMT University

Profile: Prof. Vijay K. Agarwal is the Vice-Chancellor of RIMT University- A prestigious seat of learning established in 2016. He has about four decades of teaching, research, and administrative experience at IIT Delhi and has more than 60 publications to his credit. Prof. Agarwal held important administrative responsibilities at IIT Delhi. The most significant positions held are: Dean (Infrastructure), Associate Dean of the Industrial Research and Development (IRD) and member of the Board of Educational Research and Planning (BERP).

He was Chairman of the “Handling and Transportation” Task Force of the Technology Mission on “Utilisation and Safe Disposal of Flyash” set up by the Government of India. Prof Agarwal has co-authored two books in the field of Pneumatic Conveying Technology. He was awarded the Bulk Solids Handling Award 2019 by the Engineers Australia for his research contribution in the field. Prof Agarwal has had close interaction with several International Universities and companies. He was invited as a visiting Professor at the Kyushu Institute of Technology Japan and as a foreign researcher by SINTEF, Norway.

Message: It gives me immense pleasure to invite you all to RIMT University, Mandi Gobindgarh. We aim at providing global education, carry out global research, and provide global learning platforms to students in all the programs across all schools. RIMT University is a platform for students to discover themselves. Our University is dedicated to the discovery, development, dissemination and application of knowledge in the scale and scope of human understanding and thereby contributing to the betterment of the world. All programs offered by various schools of the University have “Industrial Practice” and “Industry Internship Programs” as an in-built component where students are exposed to the real world.

Dr. Vijay Agarwal

Vice Chancellor

RIMT University has a proud history of providing quality education for students across the globe. We strive to ensure that our students gain the best possible education, and we offer a wide range of courses and programs to meet the needs of our diverse student body. Our faculty and staff are dedicated to helping students reach their academic goals and to providing a supportive learning environment.

We want to ensure that all members of our University community are committed to providing a safe and equitable learning environment that is free from any form of discrimination. Furthermore, this University will continue to strive toward excellence in education and research. We are dedicated to providing our students with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in the 21st century. Our faculty and staff will continue to lead the way in innovative research, teaching, and engagement with our local and global communities.

At RIMT, we believe in the importance of research and the power of collaboration. We have a strong commitment to research and to fostering a culture of innovation. We also strive to foster an inclusive and collaborative campus experience, where everyone is respected and valued. Last but not the least, RIMT University, through its endless future endeavors, abides by to provide its stakeholders with education and research as a medium to grow holistically along with societal welfare.

I hope that you will become part of our vibrant learning community and look forward to working together to make the University an even better place.

Dr. Bhupinder Singh Brar

Vice Chancellor

VC RIMT University
Registrar RIMT University

Driven by a strong inclination to assign the futuristic parameters to given standards of education today, RIMT carries forward its illustrious history since inception in 1998. Continuing on its path of growth, RIMT experienced the greatest period of momentum in its history while adding a new institution every year  since 2002 . This legacy continues with RIMT University, Mandi Gobindgarh established by Govt. of Punjab vide Punjab Act, No. 31 of 2015 & under section 2(f) of the UGC. 

Our Vision is to impart quality education and producing society worthy individuals in addition to providing a productive work culture and conducive environment for the teacher and the taught, matched by unparalleled infrastructure and an insatiable urge to, in excellence, outdo ourselves. While our mission is to create a unique place of learning experiences for students. 

We educate & prepare students here keeping the unseen challenges, which life throws at time, in mind. RIMT offers a variety of strengths-oriented-resources to identify and nurture the strengths of profound learners engaged in our variety of courses. RIMT lays special emphasis on the activities that strongly enhances the inherent cognitive or perceptual powers of the mind. RIMT understands how technology enhances creativity and innovation.  

I assure you best academic, administrative and research atmosphere in the campus. 

With Best wishes 

Mr. Rakesh Mohan
