International Student Cell (ISC) is formed at the RIMT University for International students to deal with admission and necessary guidance for securing Visa, registration with FRRO, and taking care of the overall wellbeing of students.
1. Function of International Student Cell
The cell assists and guides the students on the matters related to:
- Maintaining international student record
- Admission formalities
- Guidance to register with Foreign Regional Registration Office (FRRO)
- Maintaining lawful status
- Extension of stay
- Addressing grievances of International students
- Support in academic issues
2. International Students
International students includes the following
2.1 Foreign students: Students holding passports issued by any foreign country including people of Indian origin who have acquired the nationality of foreign countries.
2.2 Non-Resident Indians (NRI): Only those Non-Resident Indian students who have studied and passed the qualifying examinations from schools or colleges in foreign countries. This will include the students studying in the schools or colleges situated in foreign countries even if affiliated to the Boards of Senior Secondary Education or Universities located in India, but will not include students studying in those schools or colleges (situated in India) and affiliated to the Boards of senior Secondary Education or Universities of the foreign countries.
2.3 The students passing the qualifying examinations from Boards or Universities located in foreign countries as external students and dependents of NRIs studying in India will not be included as international students. Entry-level status of International students on entry to the country will be maintained i.e. if the student entered the country through a student visa, it will remain the same throughout the duration of the course. Wards of NRI/Person of Indian origin(PIO) Parents are eligible for admission to NRI/PIO category.
2.4 An NRI sponsored student is an Indian citizen whose direct blood relative (Parents, Grandparents, Parents real brother/sister or candidates real brother/sister ) is an NRI.
3. Eligibility Criteria
Only students having qualifications recognized as equivalent by the Association of Indian Universities (AIU) are eligible for admission.
3.1 A candidate shall have completed 17 years of age on or before 31st December.
3.2 The candidate shall get an equivalence certificate from the Association of Indian University (AIU), New Delhi.
3.3 Visa: All the international students will require a student visa endorsed to RIMT University, Mandi Gobindgarh, Punjab, India for joining full-time courses. No other endorsement is acceptable. Students wishing to join a research program will require a research visa endorsed to RIMT University, Mandi Gobindgarh, Punjab, India. The visa should be valid for the prescribed duration of the course.Visa shall be obtained after issuing offer of admission. Visa is not required for NRI students.
3.4 No Objection Certificate(NOC): All international students wishing to undertake any research work or join Ph.D. programs will have to obtain prior security clearance (NOC)from the Ministry of Home Affairs and the approval of the Ministry of External Affairs and this must be endorsed on the research visa.
4. Admission Procedure
Stepwise procedure for admision of International students for full time program is as follows:
4.1 Admission of all the international students will be done through the ISC of RIMT University. Students will be admitted in the beginning of the program. International student should apply on a separate application form for provisional letter which is available on the University website, international student cell, prescribed for Foreign National/NRI/PIO through online mode only.
4.2 Fill up the form for international students and submit it, along with the copies of certificates listed in the application form. This should be done well in time so that the student is able to obtain the visa and NOC before the due date for admission. Online application can be submitted throughout the year but the application received before 31st July will be considered for current year admission i.e. academic session start in the month of August and the application received after 31st July will be considered for the next academic session.
4.3 Applications for admission will be scrutinized by the following committee:
- Pro – Vice Chancellor (Chairperson)
- Director –Admission (Member)
- Dean/HOD of the concerned department(Member)
- Coordinator of the ISC( Member Secretary)
4.4 ISC will send a provisional admission letter/offer letter to the student through online mode if found suitable after verifying the eligibility of student to the program to obtain the Visa.
4.5 There will be no entrance test for admission to Diploma/ UG/PG program. There will be Ph.D. entrance test online/offline and online/offline presentation before scrutiny committee. Course work for all Ph.D. students of one semester is compulsory for all foreign students.
4.6 Produce the document of provisional admission to the Indian Embassy in the respective country and get a student visa endorsed to the RIMT University. NRI students do not require a visa.
4.7 Students are required to undergo medical fitness examination and get the medical fitness certificate. As per government rules, all international students entering India on student visa have to be tested for HIV and will not be given admission if found to be positive. You will be provided with on campus health checkup facility. You should obtain a personal insurance policy, covering sickness and accidents before leaving your home country or immediately on arrival.
4.8 The international student completing above procedure will report to the International Student Cell of RIMT University and fill the permanent admission form and submit it along with the following documents (In original along with a self attested photocopy):
- Mark/Grade Statement of the qualifying examination.
- Transfer/School leaving /Migration Certificate from the Institute last attended.
- Nationality Certificate in case of N. R. 1/ P. I. O/F.N.
- A Photocopy copy of their passport ( Page showing nationality ,date of issue-expiry, visa and personal details) duly attested by a notary.
- Medical fitness certificate from a doctor attesting to their physical and medical fitness.
- AIU Equivalence certificate.
- NOC in case of Ph.D. student
- Academic and Hostel Fee
- Two latest passport size photographs of student
Note: The original certificates will be returned to the students immediately after making necessary endorsements.
4.9 The academic rules and regulations applicable to Indian Students with regard to eligibility and evaluation are applicable to foreign students also.
4.10 Admission of International student will be confirmed only after verification of original certificates , medical fitness and payment of required fees.
4.11 Within a week of arrival in India, all the international students(Foreign/NRI/PIO) will have to register with the police in the Foreigner Regional Registration Office (FRRO) of the local Police with the help of ISC.
5. Examination and Award of Degrees
The procedure for examination, payment of examination fees, issue of mark sheet, issue of passing certificates, and award of degrees will be the same as for the Indian students doing same courses. These documents will be given within 15 days after the declaration of final semester result or completion of all the formalities to award of degree.
6. Transfers and Change of Course
The procedure for examination, payment of examination fees, issue of mark sheet, issue of passing certificates, and award of degrees will be the same as for the Indian students doing same courses. These documents will be given within 15 days after the declaration of final semester result or completion of all the formalities to award of degree.
7. Accommodation
The University has hostel accommodations for boys and girls. Hostel is mandatory for all the international Students . The campus is self sufficient with shops ,health centre, gymnasium, eateries, food courts, book stall, bank and ATM, buses, security services, swimming pool, indoor games and outdoor games etc .
If the student wants to go outside the campus for any reason, they are required to take permission from the Chief Hostel Warden.
8. Grievance Redressal Committee
If the student is experiencing a crisis and need help right away, he/she can contact freely to any member of the International Student Cell. In case the problem still not resolved student can approach the following Grievance Redressal Committee.
The Committee shall consists of following members:
- Pro Vice Chancellor( Chairperson)
- Registrar(Member)
- Dean Academic Affairs(Member)
- Dean Student Welfare(Member)
- One member nominated by the Vice Chancellor(Member)
- Coordinator of ISC (Member Secretary)
9. Counselling Centre
The coordinator of ISC shall be an International Student Counsellor who shall help the students along with Dean Student Welfare in various ways to enable them to adjust with the local culture. Committee will help international students in adjusting to a new culture, language, and different academic environment. The department will identify the students and help them to adjust to the new environment.
10. Mentoring schedule and the meeting schedule
All international students of a particular academic session shall select two coordinator for regular interaction with ISC. The ISC coordinator shall hold a meeting with the coordinators of all the batches once in 15 days. This meeting shall be held on First and third Monday of the every month from 4:00 pm to 4:30 pm in the conference hall of the Admin Block. Student’s problems will be discussed during the meeting.
11. General Guidelines
11.1 Student will not work with any Institute/Company during the period of study or after the completition of program.
11.2 Boys and Girls should be in formals with decent outfit or in the dress as prescibed by the department according to the program requirements.
11.3 International students are expected to abide by all the rules of the University and code of conduct as applicable to Indian Students during same course.
11.4 Legal jurisdiction will be the area of Fatehgarh Sahib. Therefore, dispute will must be settled down in Fatehgarh Sahib, Punjab.
11.5 Students are advised to pay the fee as per the notification from time to time.
12. International Student cell members
Following are the members of International Student Cell
S.No. | Name | Mobile Number |
1 | Dr. Ajay Singh Rana( Coordinator) | +919781313030 |
2 | Mr. Parvinder Singh Wazir (Member) | +919781297548 |
3 | Ms.Jasmeet Kaur (Member) | +919888656056 |
For any further query, please contact
Division of International Affairs RIMT University
Delhi-Jalandhar GT Road (NH1), Sirhind Side, Mandi Gobindgarh, Punjab – 147301 (India)
WhatsApp/IMO +919781297548
Admission Process
- Register your self online or by visiting RIMT admission office in your home country
- After the eligibility verification by the university, letter of intent (LOI) shall be issued and sent to your registered email id
- Once you receive the LOI make the payment as prescribed in the LOI by bank transfer/online payment.
- After the confirmation of fee recevied by the university accounts, letter of acceptance (visa letter) will be issued which is required to apply for the student visa at the nearest Indian Embassy/High Commission in your home country
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