About Programme
Bachelor of Pharmacy(LEET) is a 3 year undergraduate program which is compulsory for anyone who wants to practice as a pharmacist. B. Pharmacy is study of preparing and conferring drugs and medicines for a number of illnesses and deficiencies.
Eligibility & Admission
Pass in Diploma in Pharmacy with 50% marks.
Application Fee (One Time) | 1,000/-INR |
Registration Fee (One Time) | 15,000/-INR |
Security (One Time – Refundable) | 8,000/-INR |
Semester Fee | 64,000/-INR |
Marks in 10+2 | Scholarship Per Semester | Applicable Fee After Scholarship Per Semester |
55% – 60% | 20% | 51200/-INR |
More than 60% – 90% | 35% | 41600/-INR |
More than 90% – 100% | 50% | 32000/-INR |
Disability Level | Scholarship Per Semester | Applicable Fee After Scholarship Per Semester |
90% & Above 90% | 30% | 44800/-INR |
75% & Below 90% | 20% | 51200/-INR |
50% & Below 75% | 10% | 57600/-INR |
Category | Scholarship Per Semester | Applicable Fee After Scholarship Per Semester |
Wards of Param Veer Chakra | 30% | 44800/-INR |
Winners of Maha Veer Chakra | 20% | 51200/-INR |
Winners of Veer Chakra | 10% | 57600/-INR |
Work Tenure | Scholarship Per Semester | Applicable Fee After Scholarship Per Semester |
More than 5 years continuous service | 30% | 44800/-INR |
1 Year – 5 Years continuous Service | 20% | 51200/-INR |
Category | Scholarship Per Semester | Applicable Fee After Scholarship Per Semester |
Single girl child | 20% | 51200/-INR |
Category | Scholarship Per Semester | Applicable Fee After Scholarship Per Semester |
Parentless | 30% | 44800/-INR |
Either fatherless or motherless provided the annual family income is less than 2.5 lakh | 20% | 51200/-INR |
Learning Outcomes
- Develop and demonstrate depth and breadth of knowledge in pharmaceutical, social/behavioral/administrative, health, and clinical sciences.
- Integrate knowledge from foundational sciences to explain the way specific drugs or drug classes work and evaluate their potential value in individuals and populations.
- Apply knowledge in foundational sciences to solve therapeutic problems and advance patient-centered care and population-based care.
- Identify, critically analyze, and assimilate emerging theories, information, and technologies that may impact patient-centered and population-based care.
- Demonstrate effective written and oral communication skills.
Programme Education Objectives (PEOs)
- PEO1 To establish strong domain of knowledge about pharmaceutical sciences among the students and make them able to utilize it in the professional front
- PEO2 To make the students competent in core areas viz. pharmacology, pharmaceutics, pharmacognosy, pharmaceutical chemistry and quality assurance according to the needs of industry, community and hospital pharmacy.
- PEO3 To train students with professional ethics, effective communication skils and teamwork for multidisciplinary approach in the pharmaceutical sciences.
- PEO4 To prepare responsible pharmacists as lifelong learners to serve the society.
Programme Outcomes (POs)
- PO1 Pharmaceutical Knowledge:- Students gain a deep knowledge regarding human body, its related diseases, analytical skills, drug molecules (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients) along with excipients, natural drug resources, chemistry involved in API including synthesis of commonly used drugs, effect of drug on human body, toxicity and impurity profile, ADME studies of drugs (behavior of drug in human body), dosage form studies including novel approaches, designing and development of formulation stability studies, analysis etc.
- PO2 Research Analysis: Students could apply the knowledge in research field to make new discoveries.
- PO3 Design & Development of dosage forms: Various dosage forms could be prepared by the pharmacy students in the pharmaceutical companies for the ease of patients.
- PO4 Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
- PO5 Modern methods usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern methods with an understanding of the limitations and its usage. The student also learns to handle many instruments related to their studies which would help them work in a Pharmaceutical Industry, pharmacovigilance, regulatory requirements, legal processes etc.
- PO6 Pharmacy and society: Pharmacists provide complete health care data and practices to the people of the society and guide them to be healthy. The student also learns drug distribution systems, patient counseling, industrial laws etc. Students gain expertise in storage and distribution of drugs with all precautions and in-depth knowledge of dose, adverse effect and other health related issues to deal with indoor and outdoor patients admitted in hospitals and also in public.
- PO7 Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional pharmacist in society and environment, and make an impact of it on the people of the society.
- PO8 Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the pharmacy practice. Students are also trained in ethical behavior with physicians, nurses and other paramedical staff for protecting patient’s health.
- PO9 Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams acts as a multidisciplinary person in every context.
- PO10 Communication: Communicate effectively on pharmaceutical activities with the community and with society.
- PO11 Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
- PO12 Social Interaction: Being a public welfare job a pharmacist would be able to interact with the people in a better way to cure them and make them feel healthy.
Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
- PSO1 Able to apply the knowledge gained during the course of the program from pharmacology, pharmaceutics, medicinal chemistry, Pharmacognosy, APHE, communication skills, pharmaceutical analysis, Biotechnology, biochemistry, cosmetology and environmental studies.
- PSO2 Able to apply the knowledge of ethical and management principles required to work in a team as well as to lead a team.
- PSO3 Able to do multidisciplinary jobs in the pharmaceutical industries in various branches and would be able to write effective project reports in multidisciplinary environment in the context of changing technologies.
- PSO4 Able to communicate easily and comfortably. Would be able to perform multitasks in multi fields including pharmaceutical & cosmetics. Research area would be strong.
Career Prospects
After obtaining a pharmacy degree and registering with the state pharmacy council, students can start their own pharmacy and chemist shop to stock and sell medicines. A bachelor of pharmacy can work as a health inspector, research officer, drug technician, drug inspector, custom officer, etc.