About Programme
B.Tech in Civil Engineering is a 4 years course divided into eight semesters. Through this course the students are provided in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge of civil engineering and construction design concepts along with the detailed knowledge of basic sciences subjects like applied chemistry, applied physics, applied mathematics, engineering drawing etc. The course curricula of civil engineering is a mix of analytical insights, quantitative abilities and experiential learning which is updated regularly, based on recent advances and demands of the industry with detailed learning to operate certain civil engineering software.Students are given hands on experience on well-equipped laboratories with modern sophisticated instruments. Students are given opportunity to work in field with 8th semester complete as of Industrial training.
Eligibility & Admission
Passed 10+2 examination with Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry. Obtained at least 45% marks in the above subjects taken together.
Application Fee (One Time) | 1,000/-INR |
Registration Fee (One Time) | 15,000/-INR |
Security (One Time – Refundable) | 8,000/-INR |
Semester Fee | 62,500/-INR |
Marks in 10+2 | Scholarship Per Semester | Applicable Fee After Scholarship Per Semester |
55% – 60% | 20% | 50000/-INR |
More than 60% – 65% | 35% | 40625/-INR |
More than 65% – 70% | 40% | 37500/-INR |
More than 70% – 80% | 50% | 31250/-INR |
More than 80% – 90% | 75% | 15625/-INR |
More than 90% – 100% | 100% | 0/-INR |
Percentile | Scholarship Per Semester | Applicable Fee After Scholarship Per Semester |
More than 90 | 100% | 0/-INR |
Between 80 – 90 | 75% | 15625/-INR |
Between 60 – 80 | 50% | 31250/-INR |
Disability Level | Scholarship Per Semester | Applicable Fee After Scholarship Per Semester |
90% & Above 90% | 30% | 43750/-INR |
75% & Below 90% | 20% | 50000/-INR |
50% & Below 75% | 10% | 56250/-INR |
Category | Scholarship Per Semester | Applicable Fee After Scholarship Per Semester |
Wards of Param Veer Chakra | 30% | 43750/-INR |
Winners of Maha Veer Chakra | 20% | 50000/-INR |
Winners of Veer Chakra | 10% | 56250/-INR |
Work Tenure | Scholarship Per Semester | Applicable Fee After Scholarship Per Semester |
More than 5 years continuous service | 30% | 43750/-INR |
1 Year – 5 Years continuous Service | 20% | 50000/-INR |
Category | Scholarship Per Semester | Applicable Fee After Scholarship Per Semester |
Single girl child | 20% | 50000/-INR |
Category | Scholarship Per Semester | Applicable Fee After Scholarship Per Semester |
Parentless | 30% | 43750/-INR |
Either fatherless or motherless provided the annual family income is less than 2.5 lakh | 20% | 50000/-INR |
Learning Outcomes
The graduates will have an ability to apply the basic knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering to real-life problems.
The graduates will be able to understand problem identification, formulations, and to conduct experiments, by analysis and interpreting the data.
The graduates will be able to design the experiments to evaluate the performance of engineering systems or component with respect to specifications.
The graduates will be able to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability and sustainability.
The graduates will be able to improve the function effectively in engineering and science field, as well as in members of multidisciplinary teams.
- The graduates will come to know the application of modern tools such as different computer software, modern instrumentation for understanding the limitations of engineering activities and also for the modelling and design of engineering systems.
- The graduates will be able to understand the professional and ethical responsibility.
Programme USP
Graduates will be engineering practitioners and leaders, who would help solve industry’s technological problems.
Graduates will be engineering professionals, innovators or entrepreneurs engaged in technology development, technology deployment, or engineering system implementation in industry.
Graduates will function in their profession with social awareness and responsibility.
Graduates will interact with their peers in other disciplines in industry and society and contribute to the economic growth of the country.
Graduates will be successful in pursuing higher studies in engineering or management.
- Graduates will pursue career paths in teaching or research.
Programme Education Objectives (PEOs)
- PEO1 Graduates will be actively engaged in a professional profession as a civil engineer or pursuing advanced study.
- PEO2 Graduates will understand professional practice issues and demonstrate a commitment to professional licensure and continuing education.
- PEO3 Develop technical and management flair to take responsibility for engineering projects and research programs significantly.
Programme Outcomes (POs)
- PO1 Generic and Domain Knowledge -An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization for the solution of complex engineering problems in engineering
- PO2 Problem Solving & Innovation – An ability to identify, formulate, research literature, analyze complex engineering problems in mechanical engineering using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering science.
- PO3 Design/ development of solutions :An ability to design solutions for complex engineering problems and system component or processes that meet the specified needs considering public health & safety and cultural, societal & environment.
- PO4 Conduct investigations of complex problems :An ability to use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data and synthesis of the information to obtain solutions to engineering problems.
- PO5 Modern tool usage: Ability to create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources and modern engineering activities, with an understanding of the limitations.
- PO6 The Engineer and Society: Ability to apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
- PO7 Environment and sustainability: Ability to demonstrate the knowledge of engineering solutions, contemporary issues understanding their impacts on societal and environmental contexts, leading towards sustainable development.
- PO8 Ethics: An ability to apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of engineering practice.
- PO9 Individual and team work: An ability to function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multi- disciplinary settings.
- PO10 Communication: Ability to communicate effectively oral, written reports and graphical forms on complex engineering activities.
- PO11 Project management and finance :Ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply those one’s own work, as a member and leader in team, to manage projects and in multi-disciplinary environments.
- PO12 Lifelong learning: An ability to recognize the need for and having the preparation and ability to engage independent and life-long learning in broadest context of technological change.
Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
- PSO1 Development of professional skills in the area of Structural Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Geo-informatics & Remote sensing, and Construction techniques & management.
- PSO2 Application of relevant aspects of mathematics in engineering analysis and design.
- PSO3 Refurbishing of technical communication skills.
- PSO4 Application of these principles and practices to problems related to Civil Engineering and other allied technical & industrial fields.
- PSO5 Work as design consultants in construction industry for the design of civil engineering structures.
Career Prospects
Civil engineers are employed in all the major construction projects carried out by the state or central government, the railways, private construction companies, military, engineering services, consultancy services etc. Civil engineering graduates can also go in for research and take up teaching or they can open their own independent consultancy services. There is a high demand for experienced civil engineers in developed countries. Typical job profiles – Senior Design Engineers – Civil, Group General Managers – Civil, Technical Officers – Civil Engineering, Civil Engineer Foremen, Jr. Civil Engineers – Site Supervisor, Store Assistants, Store Keepers, Civil Engineers – Transmission and Civil Engineers – Project Coordinator.
About Curriculum
The civil engineering curriculum provides breadth in core sub-disciplines and depth in areas of specialization. The curriculum is based on CBCS (Choice Based Credit System). Our Curriculum is innovative, student-centred and purpose driven which lets students build upon their experiences from semester to semester. The current civil engineering curriculum is best visualized by referring to the relevant flowsheet showing courses semester wise. In addition to the foundational courses in math and science, students are exposed to all areas of civil engineering. The required courses for the program include a number of general engineering, math and science courses, as well as courses in civil engineering. 181 Credit B.Tech Civil Engineering program consist of three components : required courses, elective courses, projects and a culminating full semester industrial training. Students are given option for acquiring course credits through various online platforms like SWAYAM, MOOCs, NPTEL etc. In Addition to 181 credits students have to earn 18-20 extra credits in the specialized area of AI & ML