
Webinar on National Education Policy 2020: Challenges & Opportunities

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RIMT Webinar

This event has expired

About Webinar

The NEP 2020 is an ambitious policy that offers a sea change to the Education ecosystem of the nation right from primary education to higher education. The policy aims to achieve both enrolment and improve literary trends that are globally benchmarked and equitable. The National education policy lays emphasis on different aspects of education including early childhood education, reconstructing curriculum and pedagogy, reforms in examination process and investment in teacher training. This is the first policy that seeks to unshackle students from the tyranny of administrative constraints with multiple-choice, multidisciplinary learning and multiple chances. However, before one jumps to applauding the NEP, one requires a deep dive into the current challenges that India’s education system faces at the grassroots level—the issue of bringing kids to school, retaining students (especially girls) in school, enabling teachers to deliver the NEP-imagined curriculums, creating and enabling sufficient technological infrastructure, delivering the committed education budgets and ensuring that every educated Indian is employable.

What we need to further question is if this NEP 2020
I) Will sufficiently address the above challenges,
ii) has a well-defined implementation roadmap and milestones,
iii) has critical finances for execution of this grand vision,
iv) ensures that it will not exacerbate the current educational divide between the marginalized and the privileged, and the rural and the urban children.
The proposed event and (panel discussion) will dwell upon the challenges and improvements, the NEP 2020 wishes to achieve by defining a roadmap for the Education Ecosystem of future.

Some important themes to ponder upon : National Education Policy 2020 : Challenges and Opportunities

  • Issues and challenges in implementation
  • A Review/Assessment and Reflections on NEP-2020: Moral, Legal and Jurisprudential Consequences.
  • NEP 2020: A step towards consolidation and restructuring Higher Education Institutions.
  • NEP 2020: Implications on Equitable and Inclusive Education.
  • NEP 2020: Role, Responsibilities and Restructuring Regulatory Bodies.
  • NEP 2020: Paving the way for Privatization in Higher Education.
  • NEP 2020: Scope of Research and Innovations.

Key Note Speakers

  • Dr. A.S Chawla – Vice Chancellor, RIMT University
  • Dr. Gurmeet Singh – Vice Chancellor, Pondicherry University
  • Dr. Surinderpal Singh – Former Vice Chancellor, GNDU Amritsar
  • Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma – Professor, University Institute of Applied Management Sciences, The New Management Institute of Panjab University


Registration Link: Click Here To Register

Last date for registration: 23rd, March 2021

For any query contact

  • Dr. Santosh Bali (8288037643)
  • Dr. Priyanka Uppal (9501027993)
  • Ms. Sarita Sharma (9877253926)

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Start Time

10:30 am


Finish Time

12:30 pm



RIMT University