
FDP/Workshop on Capacity Building

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FDP on Capacity Building

This event has expired

About Workshop

Data analysis and interpretation is an important step in research process. The data should be subjected to
statistical tests of significance to determine with what validity data can be said to indicate any conclusion.
Clearly the science of statistics cannot be ignored by any researcher, even though he may not have occasion to
use statistical methods in all their details and ramification.
The important statistical measures that are used to summarize the survey/research data are measures of
central tendency, dispersion, asymmetry, co-efficient of correlation, regression, index number etc.

Objectives of the Programme

The Participants will be able to:

Contents of the Workshop

Who should attend?

This workshop will be useful to

About Resource Persons

Senior and experienced faculty from Panjab University Chandigarh, Punjabi University Patiala and RIMT
University will conduct the workshop.

Participation Fee

The participation fee for the programme will be as under:

How To Apply

For registration click on below button

Email your queries at or or
Contact Dr. Santosh Bali, AP & Coordinator, Research, RIMT University at 8288037643.

Online Registration link:

Online Payment Details:

RIMT University, PNB Bank
A/c No. 52482413000112
IFSC Code: PUNB0524810
Branch: Mandi Gobindgarh, Punjab
Online Payment should be made through Net Banking, IMPS or NEFT

Workshop Brochure

Start Time

10:00 am


Finish Time

4:00 pm



RIMT University