
Webinar on: Explore other side of the Corona Pandemic

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RIMT University Webinar

This event has expired


Every adversity has some blessings. We are seeing a cleaner environment around us, be it the air or water. Scenic beauty of hills from our roof tops is a treat for eyes. Chirping of birds is welcoming our mornings. Could we contemplate observing “Earth Week” every year on the pattern of an Earth Hour. We need to give space to each organism on Earth, water and air and make adjustments with all for our survival. Man cannot win over Nature but can live with it.

Key Speakers

  • Dr. V.K Dilawari (An Eminent Insect Ecologist, Former Professor & Controller Exam PAU, Ludhiana )
  • Dr. Gursharan Singh  (Dean School of Agriculture Sciences,  RIMT University)

Discussion points

The Corona Pandemic vis-à-vis Environment

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Start Time

11:00 am


Finish Time

12:00 pm



RIMT University