RIMT University has established an excellent Dron Knowledge Center to providing benefit of Library Users. The Library Collection also includes a large section of expensive Encyclopedias, Reference Books and a large number of Textbooks related to Engineering & Technology, Management, Commerce, Medical and Health & Life Sciences, Legal Studies, Ayurveda Humanities and Social Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences and other related fields. Besides this, the students/ faculty/ staff can access the resources of the National Digital Library of India (NDLI) which consist of 6.9 lakh Books, 4.2 Corer Research Papers, 3800 + Audio Lectures, 7.5 lakh Thesis and 4.6 lakh Video Lectures. Can be accessed at https://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in/ .The Dron Knowledge Center of RIMT University consists of a Central Library & Nine Council Libraries situated in different Academic Blocks. These are well established modern libraries catering to the learning needs of the academic community. The whole collection of the library is computerized and its WEB-OPAC is electronically accessible. All the libraries have a Digital Library unit to provide access to digital resources. The Dron Knowledge Center has maintained EBSCO, K-Hub, Manupatra and AIR Info Tech electronic databases and has acquired the institutional membership of the DELNET (http://delnet.in/)providing Remote log-in facility to access electronic resources 24 X 7 and ensures high network security from where the books and articles are procured on demand of the students and teachers and utilizing its Inter Library Loan and document delivery services on regular basis.

Dr. Parminder Singh
Ph.D Lis, M.Phil Lis, M.Lib, MA Political Science (Chief Librarian)
Campus: Delhi-Ludhiana NH-1, Near Floating Restaurant, Mandi Gobindgarh-147301.
 Mobile No.: +919988600801
E-mail: parminder_singh@rimt.ac.in
- Spread over 20000 sq. ft. carpet area
- Fully Air-conditioned.
- Facilitated with State of Art Infrastructure.
- Well protected with fire alarms and CCTV security systems.
- Equipped with reading halls with reference collection.
- Internet Lounge
- Reprographic Facilities
- Dron Knowledge Center Lounge is the internet service hub having 25 computer systems with internet connectivity
- Membership of DELNET, EBSCO, Manupatra, K-Hub, AIR INFO TECH, NDLI, Shodhganga/Sodh Gangotri, URKUND.
Working Hours
Reading Hall Timing: on all the days 8 AM to 6 PM.
Circulation Timing: 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Resource Sharing
Dron Knowledge Center is member of DELNET (Developing Library Networks) to facilitate sharing of resources.
Dron Knowledge Center Membership & Circulation Rules
Membership is open to all the staff and the students of RIMT University.
Books Issue as per Membership Category
Category | No. Books Issued | Duration |
Teaching Staff | 6 | Full Semester |
Non- Teaching Staff | 4 | 30 days |
Research Scholars | 4 | 30 days |
Under Graduate Student | 3 | 15days |
Post Graduate | 4 | 15 days |
No Dues Certificate (NOC)
“No Dues Certificate” (NOC) from the University Library for student members is mandatory. Academic certificate including Mark Sheet, Degree Course Completion Certificate will be given only after issuance of the NOC by University Library.
Circulation of Books
- Items loaned are for personal use of member and remain the responsibility of the user until book is returned to the Library.
- All items on loan shall be returned by their due date and time.
- Library members are requested to verify the physical condition of the book/document at the time of its lending. They will be held responsible for any damage caused thereafter.
- All items on loan may be subject to recall before their due dates if requested by another user, by the Librarian. Recalled items shall be returned without delay.
- All items on loan shall be returned on expiry of membership of the Library. University staff and student membership expires when employment or attendance at University ceases.
- Library members shall abide by conditions & rules imposed on the use of the obtained through the inter library Loans service of RIMT University Libraries .
- The Library staff cannot be held responsible for non-delivery of Library notices about overdue or recalled books or other matters.
- The Librarian may lend, refuse to lend, or restrict the circulation of any item, or recall any item from loan at any time.
- Borrowers are to produce their Library membership/Identity cards when borrowing Library materials.
- The normal loan period for books is two weeks. The Library however, may fix varying loan periods for different types of materials or users as it deems fit.
- All borrowers must settle overdue loans before the end of each semester.
Overdue Charges
- Members are advised to return/renew the books on or before due date marked on the book.
- A borrowed book should be returned on the due date, failing which student will be levied fine of: Rs.2/ per day per book and bound volumes of serials, Rs. 5/- per day per reference book.
Loss & Damage
Borrowers will be held responsible for materials out on loan. If the material is lost, an immediate report should be made to the Librarian to enable appropriate action to be taken. The borrower will have to replace the book and pay the overdue fine if any. If the book is one of a set or series they may be asked to pay/replace for whole set or series.
Books may be renewed if the book has not been reserved by other reader. Members need to bring the book to the Library at the time of re-issuance.
Book Bank Facility
Dron Knowledge Center has a book bank facility and student may get extra books issued apart from their regular book issuance limit of Library.
- Membership of the Book Bank is optional.
- Membership is open to all SC/ST and economically poor students of RIMT University.
- Students desirous to become the member of the Book Bank will be required to pay the requisite fees.
- Members will be required to renew their membership at the commencement of each year.
- Membership will be treated cancelled as and when students leave the University.
- Security money of Rs. 1000/- will be required to be deposited separately, which will be refundable on the withdrawal of membership.
Book Circulation
- A student may get a maximum of three books from the Book Bank at a time..
- Books will be issued at beginning of each semester as per the schedule notified for the purpose.
- Books will be issued for whole semester. Members will be required to deposit the books after the completion of the exam as per the schedule notified.
- A fine will be levied if book will not be returned as per the schedule.
- Members will be responsible for any damage caused for the books. Members are advised to verify the physical condition of the books at time of its lending.
- In case of lost book, member is required to replace it with new book and pay the overdue fine if any.
- Books will be issued on first come first served basis.
General Rules
- Members are not allowed to bring Personal belonging except books or inside the library premises. (Personal belongings may be kept at the property counter at the owner’s risk.)
- Users are not permitted to bring and consume food or drink item to the library.
- Use of mobile phone is strictly prohibited inside the Library.
- Silence must to be maintained in the Dron Knowledge Center Reading Hall. Conversation and noise must be kept to a minimum elsewhere.
- The Library staff on duty has the right to request member to leave the premises if he/she is found to be violating any of the Library rules.
- Members shall not damage or misuse Library Services, Materials, Property, Equipment or Premises in any way.
- Members found damaging or stealing Library property will be referred to University Disciplinary Committee.
- Members must ensure that books or any other material in their possession has been duly recorded and authorized.
- The Librarian is empowered to with hold Library facilities for any infringement of these rules.